The Georgia Crime Victims Bill of Rights, O.C.G.A. 17-17-1, et seq., provides individuals who are victims of certain crimes specific rights.
These rights include:
The right to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of any scheduled court proceedings or any changes to such proceedings;
The right to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of the arrest, release, or escape of the accused;
The right not to be excluded from any scheduled court proceedings, except as provided by law;
The right to be heard at any scheduled court proceedings involving the release, plea, or sentencing of the accused;
The right to file a written objection in any parole proceedings involving the accused;
The right to confer with the prosecuting attorney in any criminal prosecution related to the victim;
The right to restitution as provided by law;
The right to proceedings free from unreasonable delay; and
The right to be treated fairly and with dignity by all criminal justice agencies involved in the case.
The right to file a motion in the criminal case within 20 days of a court proceeding requesting to be heard if the victim has properly requested notification and is not given notice of said court proceeding.

Advocate for victims' rights and interests
Navigating the criminal justice process
Completing crime victims compensation form
Completing victim impact and request form
Parole board hearing support
Courtroom support
Spiritual support
Resources for emotional and psychological counseling